eHaus New Zealand Leaders in Passive House Design and Construction
Hofmans Builders are proud to be the Taranaki Licensee holder for eHaus.
We can offer you the opportunity to not only build you a home that is healthier for your family but also healthy on the environment.
Better by Design
eHaus was created to give you a home where your family can thrive. An eHaus is always between 20 and 25 degrees in every room, all year round with little to no heating required. It is scientifically guaranteed to be mould free, have no condensation and no dust mites, making for a much healthier living environment. All of the spaces are tailored specifically to your family’s size, budget, and lifestyle. So while you maximise your long term investment, quality doesn’t suffer and your loved ones get more daily health and comfort than ever before.
At eHaus we believe that it is our collective responsibility to take care of the environment without sacrificing the comforts of your family’s everyday life. That’s why the eHaus team work one-on-one with you to design and build your eHaus, creating a home that consumes 75 – 90 percent less heating energy while providing healthier and more comfortable living spaces.
Energy efficiency is woven into the fabric of eHaus using the world’s most powerful design tools. We make a big impact on how well you live, and make a little impact on the world you live in.
Click here to find out more about eHaus or talk to us today.